Re-adusting the Brain

If you need to get your brain back in proper working order and doctors are recommending depression medication, take the drugs without any guilt.

I was recently talking to a lovely Christian lady who realised she was in danger of self-harming. Her body was racked with chronic pain and we all know that when one tiny part of us hurts, it can throw us off-course mentally.

Thankfully she had enough christian friends around her who she knew would be supportive and not judge her for taking these drugs into her body. 

But unfortunately, others are not so lucky – they are part of church groups who would tell them they are wicked for being on anti-depressants, in need of more hours on their knees in prayer, not really saved, or demonised to the hilt.

My prayer for you is that if you identify with this, that you will have the strength to leave and find a different congreation where Jesus is actually manifested in people’s speech & actions, and not just religiously quoted from the lecturn. 

This lady is now much better mentally after taking the prescribed drugs she required and her words of delight were, “I am now seeing the world in pastel, rather than the flashing neon I saw before.” 

She loves the Lord and knows her ultimate dependance is on him. But she is also thankful for the wisdom he has given to scientists to be able to create pills that will readjust the brain to where it should be.

May you also be free from the guilt of taking the medicine you need. 


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